Saturday, August 22, 2009

history questions

What were the simlarities between the government and society of the 3 ancient civilisations?
The3civilisations have government,writing system and a variety of occupations.

What were the differences between the government and society of the 3 ancient civilisations?
1.Indus Valley Civilisation
-ruled by kings
-land seperated into 4 zones;capital,inner province,outer province,border zones
2.Shang Dynasty
-mandate of heaven
-ruled by emperors
3.South-east Asia
-has powerful empires
-land is seperated
How similar or different are their system with Singapore?
1.the Indus Valley Civilisation has a drainage system similar to what we have now
2.the 3 ancient civilisations have different occupations and writing systems
3.the 3 civilisations were ruled by the government,like Singapore