Saturday, September 19, 2009

Reflections for hist. project

What did you learn from working on this project? (Eg. teamwork, knowledge, about Ancient Civilisations, presentation skills, etc)
I learnt that teamwork is very important-without teamwork,the group would not have worked together to gain the result needed.Presentation skills are also important;the skill allow people to understand what the presentation better if the presentation does not clearly states what it is supposed to say.
What can be improved about the way the project was carried out? (Eg. planning, research, presentation, model-making, etc)
There can be more time given fo research & planning and there can be more than 1 model made.

Monday, September 14, 2009

history questions

In a country like Singapore which is multi-religious, what are the possible challenges we might face? How can we overcome these challenges?
there will be fights within the different people of the religions leaving together as the people have different beliefs and will not be able to arive at a solution when there is a problem.
How was religions and philosophies important to the people of the ancient civilisations?
the religions and philosophies teach the people ways to live their live.